Sunday 1 February 2015

Scientific Name of Landscape Plants and Trees in Malaysia and Singapore


 Welcome to our Blog on
 Garden Plants Scientific Names
featuring scientific and common names of climbers, creepers, cycads, ground covers, orchids, palms, shrubs, trees, turfs and water plants found in Malaysia, Singapore and other Asian countries. is one of the first few blogs of non-commercial initiative on the internet created by Markus J M Lazim and a team of garden experts from TechnicMalaysia - Garden and Landscape team to raise the knowledge of tropical garden plants, shrubs and trees to help and promote green environment, gardening and landscaping culture in Malaysia and Singapore.
We sincerely hope this blog would be very useful in helping those of you who are in the gardening and landscaping activities particularly for those of you who are searching for the right scientific names of tropical garden plants, shrubs and trees for your gardening and landscaping activities or projects.

In this blog, we will try our very best to list as much names of tropical plants as possible ranging from ground covers, climbers, creepers, cycads, shrubs, palms and trees. The listing will be published in alphabetical order and where possible we will try to insert the common name of the particular plants as well.
As this is a free Green Community service project and we are doing our very best to provide you the scientific names of the tropical plants and trees, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of its contents and information in this blog. The use of all the names and information obtained from this blog shall be at your own risk. We shall not be held liable or responsible for it's inaccuracy or any error found in this blog.

Garden Plant Scientific Names and Tropical Plants and Trees Scientific Names Blogs are not perfect and represent work in progress. Our aims remain to produce the ‘best effort’ possible an effective listing of scientific names of tropical plants and trees, to demonstrate progress and to stimulate further work. 

Listings of garden plants and trees in this blog will be presented in eight classifications.  Classification A: Climbers and Creepers B: Ferns and Allies C: Ground Covers D:Plants and Shrubs E: Palms and Cycads F: Trees G: Turfs and H: Water Plants.
We welcome your valuable feedback,  if have any good suggestion on how we can improve this particular blog, please do not hesitate to write or contact our editor at: feedback is very valuable to us.
Our apology for any inconvenience caused. This Blog is still under construction please come back later. Thank you.


Index to scientific names of climbers, creepers, cycads, ground covers, palms, shrubs, trees, turfs and water plants. Since this blog is still under construction, you may not be able to find the images of particular plants or trees that you are searching for, if that happened do one of the following actions:
Tips: If you are searching for images of tropical plants or trees that are currently not available in this blog, temporarily you may do one of the following: Use "Google Search - Images" to search for the particular images b y typing the scientific name of the plants or trees that you are looking for OR type the Link URL address listed under the scientific name of each plant published below.

A: Climbers and Creepers

1. Adenia Macrophylla
1. Adenia Macrophylla
Common name: Singapore Adenia

2. Aeschynanthus Lobbianna
Family name: Gesneriaceae
View images here:

  3.  Aeschynanthus Speciosa
Family name: Gesneriaceae
4. Afgekia Sericea
Common Name: Silky Algekia View images of Afgekia Sericea here:
5. Allamanda Blanchetii
Common name: Purple Allamanda 
6. Allamanda Cathartica
Common name: Golden Trumpet

6. Allamanda Cathartica Golden Trumpet
7. Allamanda Cathartica Alba
Common name: White Thrumpet
8. Allamanda Cathartica Cherries Jubilee
Family name: Appocynaceae
9. Allamanda Cathartica Jamaican Sunset
Family name: Appocynaceae
10. Allamanda Oenotherae Silver 
Family name: Appocynaceae

11. Ampelocissus Species
Family name: Vitaceae
12.  Anemopaegma Chamberlaynil
Family name: Bignoniaceae
13.  Antigonon Leptopus
Common name: Coral Vine / Chain of Love | Family name: Polygonaceae
Color of flower: Red and White Album

14.  Argyreia Nervosa
Common name: Elephant Climber | Family name: Convolvulaceae 
15.  Aristolochia Gigantea
Family name: Aristolochiaceae
16.  Aristolochia Labiata
Common name: Rooster flower | Family name: Aristolochiaceae
17.  Aristolochia Littoralis
Common name: Calico flower | Family name: Aristolochiaceae
18. Aristolochia Ringens
Common name: Gaping Dutchman Pipe | Family name: Aristolochiaceae
19.  Aristolochia Tagata
Common name: Dutchman Pipe | family name: Aristolochiaceae

20. Artabotrys Hexapetalus
Family name: Annonaceae | Common name: Climbing Llang
21.  Artobotrys Wrayi
Family name: Annonceae
22.  Basella Alba Rubra
Family name: Basellaceae

23. Bauhinia Kockiana
  23.  Bauhinia Kockiana
Family name: Leguminosae | Common name: Kock/s Bauhinia 
 24. Bauhinia Semibifida
Family Name: Leguminosae
25. Bauhinia Species
Family name: Leguminosae
26.  Beaumontia Jerdoniana
Family name: Apocynaceae | Common name: Nepal Trumpet
27. Bougainvillea "Apple Blossom"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae
28. Bougainvillea "Aiskrim"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae
29. Bougainvillea "Chilli Red"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

29. Bougainvillea Chilli Red
30. Bougainvillea "Cultivar"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

30. Bougainvillea Cultivar
31. Bougainvillea " Elizabeth Angus"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

31. Bougainvillea Elizabeth Angus

32. Bougainvillea " Glabra Formosa"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae
33. Bougainvillea " Glabra Magnifica"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
34. Bougainvillea "Glabra Red"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
35. Bougainvillea " Glabra Singapore Pink"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
36. Bougainvillea "Harlequin"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas 
37. Bougainvillea "John Lattin"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
38. Bougainvillea "Klang Fire"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas 
39. Bougainvillea "Louis Wathen"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas  
40. Bougainvillea "Mrs. Eva"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas 

40. Bougainvillea Mrs. Eva
41. Bougainvillea "Mrs Eva Mauve Variegata"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
42. Bougainvillea Mrs. McClean Variegated
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
43. Bougainvillea "Orange Stripe"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
44. Bougainvillea "Pagoda Pink"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
45. Bougainvillea "Poultonii"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
46. Bougainvillea "Rosenka"
 Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
 47. Bougainvillea "Sakura" Variegata
 Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
48. Bougainvillea "Sanderiana"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
49. Camoensia Scandens
Family name: Leguminosae 
50. Campsis Radicans
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Trumpet Creeper
51. Cansjera Rheedii
Family name: Opiliaceae
52. Cardiospermum Halicacabum
Family name: Sapindaceae Common name: Balloon Vine, Heart Pea
53. Cassytha Filiformis
Family name: Lauraceae | Common name: Chemar Hantu
54. Cayratia Mollissima
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name: also known as Cissus Mollissima
55. Cissus Hastata
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name: also known as Vitis Hastata
56. Cissus Repens
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name:also known as Vitis Repens
57. Clematis Aristata
Family name: Ranunculaceae | Common name: Goatsbeard
58. Clerdandrum Thomsoniae
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine
59. Clerodandrum Thomsoniae Variegated leaf
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine Varigated
60. Clitoria Ternatea
Family name: Leguminoseae | Common name: Blue Pea Vine
Clitoria Ternatea come in few colors flower, light blue, Albiflora (White) and Pleniflora (Deep blue)
61. Clytostoma Callisgtegioides
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Violet Trumpet Vine
62. Coccinia Grandis
Family name: Cucurbitaceae | Common name: Ivy Gourd
63. Columnea Tulae Var. Flava
Family name:Gesneriaceae 
64. Combretum Comosum
Family name: Combretaceae
65. Congea Tomentosa
Family name: Verbenaceae | Common name: Wooly Congea
66. Cryptostegia Grandiflora
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name Indian Rubber Vine
67. Cuscuta Australis
Family name: Convovulaceae | Common name: Southern Dodder
68. Dalbergia Pseudosissoo
Family name: Leguminoseae | Common name: also known as Rostrata
69. Dioscorea Sansibarensis
Family name" Dioscoreaceae | common name:Zanzibar Yam
70. Dischidia Nummularia
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Button Orchid
71. Dischidia Pectenoides
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | common name: Ant Plant
72. Dissotis Rotundifolia
Family name:Melastomataceae | Common name: Spanish Shawl
73. Elatostema Repens
Family name: Urticaceae | Common name: Wavy Watermelon Begonia
74. Entada Spiralis
Family name: Leguminosae
75. Epipremnum Aureum
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Money Plant
76. Epipremnum Aureum Variegated
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Money Plant
77. Epipremnum Aureum Gold
Family name: Araceae | Money Plant Gold
78. Epipremnum Aureum Marble Queen
Family name: Areceae | Common name: Marble Money Plant
79. Epipremnum Pinnatum
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Dragon Tail Plant
80. Episcia Cultivar
Family name: Gesneriaceae
81. Episcia Cupreata Acajou
Family name: Gesneriaceae
82. Episcia Cupreata Frosty
 Family name: Gesneriaceae
83. Episcia Cupreata Shimmer
Family name: Gesneriaceae
84. Episcia Cupreata Pink Acajou
FAmily name: Gesneriaceae
85. Episcia Cupreata Tropical Topaz
Family name: Gesneriaceae
86. Espicia Cupreata Showtime
Family name: Gesneriaceae
87. Fibraurea Tinctoria
Family name: Menispermaceae also known as Chloroleuca
88. Ficus Punctata
Family name: Moraceae also known as Aurantiacea
89. Ficus Consociata Var. Murtoni
Family name: Moraceae
90. Ficus Pumila
Family name: Moraceae
91. Flagellaria Indica
Family name: Flagekkariaceae | Common name: Falsed Rattan
92. Gloriosa Superba
Family name: Colchicaceae Common name: Glory Lily
93. Grewia Laevigata
Family name: Tiliaceae also known as Acuminata
94. Hedera Helix
Family name: Araliaceae |Common name: English Ivy
95. Holmskioldia Sanguinea
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Cup and Saucer
96. Hosea Lobbiana
Family name: Labiatae | also known as Hoseanthus Lobbiana
97. Hoya Carnosa
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Wax Plant
98. Hoya Carnosa Cultivar
Family name: Asclepiadaceae (light violet)
99. Hoya Diversifolia
Family name: Asclepiadaceae (Pink)
100. Hoya Kerrii
Family name: Asclepidaceae with variegated leaf
101. Hoya Scortechinii
Family name: Asclepiadaceae
102. Hoya Verticillata
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Ridley's Hoya
103. Hylocereus Undatus
Family name: Cactaceae | Common name: Night Blooming Cereus
104. Impatiens Repens
Family name: Balsaminaceae | Common name: Golden Dragon
105. Indorouchera Griffithiana
Family name: Linaceae | also known as Roucheria Griffithiana
106. Ipomoea Aquatica
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Kangkong 
107. Ipomoea Batatas
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Keledek
108. Ipomoea Batatas Black Heart
Family name: Concolvulaceae | Common name: Keledek Merah
109. Ipomoea Batatas Blackie
Family name: convolvulaceae | Common name Keledek Ungu
110. Ipomoea Batatas Tricolor
Family name: convolvulaceae
111. Ipomoea Batatas Yellow
Family name: Convolvulaceae
112. Ipomoea Cairica
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Messina Creeper
113. Ipomoea Carnea ssp. Fistulosa
Family name: Convolvulaceae | common name: Morning Glory
114. Ipomoea Mauritiana
Family name: Convolvulaceae | common name: Digitata
115. Ipomoea Pes-Caprea
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name Beach Morning Glory
116. Ipomoea Quamoclit
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Cypress Vine Climber
117. Ipomoea Quamoclit Hybrid
Family name: Convolvulaceae | common name:Morning Glory Red
118. Ipomoea Tricolor
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Morning Glory
119. Jasminum Grandiflorum
Family name: Oleaceae Common name: Spanish Jasmine
120. Jasminum Laurifolium
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Melor Angel Wing
121. Jasminum Multiflorum
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Star Jasmine Melor
122. Jasminum Rex
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Royal Jasmine Melor berlapis
123. Jasminum Sambac Grand Duke of Tuscany
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Arabic Jasmine
124. Lagenaria Siceraria
Family name: Cucurbitaceae | Common name: Bottle Gourd
125. Lonicera Japonica
Family name: Caprifoliaceae | Common name: Japanese Honeysuckle
126. Lonicera Species
Family name: Caprifoliaceae
127. Macfadyena Unguiscati
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common nmae; cat Claw Ivy
128. Mandelvilla Alice Du Pont
Family name: Apocynaceae
129. Mandevilla Sanderi My Fair Lady
Family name: Apocynaceae
130. Mandevilla Sanderi Red Riding Hood
Family name: Apocynaceae
131. Mandevilla Sanderi Rosea
Family name: Apocynaceae | common name Rose Dipladenia Sanderi
132. Manettia Luteorubra
Family nmae: Rubiaceae | Common name: Twining firecracker creeper
133, Mansoa Hymenaea
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Garlic Vine also known as Bigonia Alliaceae
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